The world of eCommerce is immense and only growing faster after the COVID 19 pandemic
Client Project
3 - week sprint
Neelam Shukla,
Lindsey Ting
Jenny Shao
UX Designer
Business analysis, heuristic evaluation, user interviews, competitive analysis, user flow, journey map, service design blueprint, sketching, wireframing, prototyping and usability testing.
Pen & paper, Figma, Canva, Whimsical, Miro and Mural

Detailed case study
Case study in one sentence - Importance of establishing brand awareness
Looking for market validation through MVP, an opportunity for early user testing.
This project aims to optimise the overall experience from Shopassist’s paying customer’s perspective. The company is running an MVP product and would like to conduct usability testing and analyse its current offering to understand how it can improve its services.
The need to understand how the process currently works, identify potential roadblocks and confusion areas, and propose recommendations to help ensure that Shopassist can continue building its business.
Getting everyone on the same page
Before getting started with our research, designing or recommendations, etc., we prepared SOW – Statement of work (a schedule and plan of action) for the research and design process. This allowed the stakeholders and our team to buy into the process and project length.
Geting to know the in-out of business
We began with a meeting with clients to learn in-depth about how their business work presently, their objective and goals for the business and from us in this 3- week’s sprint.
Few important points
Pre-revenue start-up company.
Business targeted toward specific audiences of consumers.
The website should focus on providing information to (1) arouse interest in the service, as well as (2) attract potential investors.
Road we took to understand the customer and business.

Taking a look at the current website
After doing the heuristic evaluation of the website, we found the following issues to be addressed.
The landing page needs to be more customer focus. It is all about business and not much information about what customers want.
The home page needs more visibility regarding services/costs offered, partners and suburbs details.
I Need to rewrite content in a few places to avoid confusion.
Get basic common questions to be visible on the homepage.
We need to provide a way to do trial shopping as a guest customer without signing up.
Provide testimonials and social proof.
Purchase history to be saved.
It's How Not What
Competitive and comparative analysis
To get a feel of the state of the industry and other best practices, we conducted a deep analysis of competitors and significant players. We focused on all the online grocery delivery services using the same approach to understand better how our client’s service is different and where we can improve.
1. Shopassist has unqiue selling point of going to multiple shops and personal shop assistant.
2. Most of the competitiors have mobile apps with tracking facilities.
3. Homepage of the client needs to be more informative.
4. Information should have inviting and positive tone for customers.
Getting to know the reason behind the customer's action
Interviews and surveys
We wanted an insider’s perspective of those using the product, so we spoke with participants who buy groceries through online grocery services. We interviewed 6 participants and collected data from 57 surveys.


Findings + Insight
The research was analysed and organised through affinity mapping, archetype creation, and journey map.
Not much awareness around "multiple local shops" and "personal shopper".
Personal shopper sounds like a premium service with the heavy price tag.
In-store has a lot of visibility on specials, deals, promotions, variety and availabiltiy- user wants the same in-store experience.
Pain points discovered through Journey map and service design blueprint

Let's transform our Minimum Viable Product into a Minimum Compelling Product.
Design studio
We re-designed the website landing page to give all the relevant information in one place. Instead of customers going through different pages, we decided to reduce these mental steps for them. We also introduced a guest checkout feature if the customers wanted to try it before sign-up. We involved the client during our design studio sessions to understand that we were taking the right direction.

Who are we designing for?
"My family's health and wellbeing is my priority."

Behaviours & Attitudes
Picks the freshest quality products
Health conscious
Willing to pay for quality
The busy mum
I don't mind paying a little extra if it means that I get quality groceries and more time to spend with my family
Needs & Goals
More time to spend with family
quality products for family
Taking care of family's health
feeling tired because of juggling taks
Time poor
Tedious to check product quality
Mid-fidelity prototype link here
What did the users think?
conducted 3 usability testing
Most people were open to the idea of a shop assistant
personally delivering their groceries.
People enjoyed using the website and appreciated the
$50 offer for new customers.
Add a sign-up feature after checkout flow.
Next steps -Immediate
More usability testing
Rebrand personal shopper to Shop Assistant
A landing page which advertises SA as an affordable and
personalised Shop Assistance service
Confirmation email which confirms purchases
A sign up feature at the end of the purchase flow
Next steps - future
The website shows quantity of products which are available in store.
The website shows detailed product descriptions.
Allowance for product substitution preferences.
Involving the client is important during the design process.​This led to more buy-in to our designs, and made sure there were no surprises for the client at the end of the project.
Being open-minded with the team and creating a collaborative space where everyone can voice their thoughts, led to a solution that we could all be proud of.
Usability testing is crucial to get fruitful feedback. However, to find out what the problem is, placing an order is helpful to evaluate the flow and services as it allows to step into customers’ shoes to experience the product and services.